Come Fight Hunger with Us in Denton County

What to Expect When Volunteering
Sign Up!
SIgn up to Volunteer on SignUpGenius! This is where it all begins.
Below you will find instructions on setting up your account.
If you have issues, Please reach out to Volunteers@shilohfield.com
Come and Get Rooted!
Bring your gloves and a smile. You will soon be part of Shiloh. You will learn to work the land, plant, and grow food!
We are open every day EXCEPT Sunday and Wednesday!
8:00 - 11:00 AMLearn more about what we do at shiloh on our blog post!
Harvest Time!
Harvest time is magical. Picking signifies hope. The transformation from seed to harvest is a reminder of life's cycle and community strength.. This harvest is a gift to neighbors, friends, and families in need, showcasing the true magic of the harvest.
Ciick the button below to see who receives the bountiful harvest.
SignUpGenius Instructions
We have listened to your feedback and have changed our volunteer sign-up service. We are now utilizing SignUpGenius! Here are the steps to creating your account:
Click our Sign Up button below to be directed to our SignUpGenius site.
On the site, scroll down the page to see the available dates and time slots for volunteering. Choose a date and time by selecting “Sign Up” next to your desired date.
On the next page, it will ask you to fill out your information. REQUIRED INFORMATION: Name, email addresss, if you are part of the Master Gardener Organization, how did you hear about us, and a comment. (Comment “volunteer” or the name and info for group organization if you have one.)
You can now opt- in to receive text messages! Simply put in your phone number, and select to “opt-in” on the sign up page. Please select “Opt-in” so we can keep in touch to let you know when the garden is closed!
You can download SignUpGenius to your mobile device. For Android For iPhone
If you have any issues with sign up, please contact us at Volunteers@shilohfield.com.