
Feed The Hungry by Gardening

Temporary Hours: 6:30 AM to 11:00 AM on Thursday and Saturday.


The Cornucopia Plan

Cornucopia’s are a sign of abundance and overflowing supply.
With your help, Shiloh Field can be a cornucopia of food for those who need it in our community.

Here’s the plan:


Step 1:
Sign Up

Bring your gloves and a smile. This is where it all begins.

Monday, Thursday, Saturday:
8:00 - 10:00 AM


Step 2:

From seeds to full plants, it all needs to be planted firmly in the ground.

You’ll get your hands dirty, learn a lot, and have a great time.


Step 3:

Harvesting fruits and vegetables is magical.

You’ll see the reward of your labor and be filled with joy knowing that everything you harvest is going to feed someone who is hungry in your community.